Learn Russian and make your CV stand out!!
By learning Russian you have the opportunity to get to know the culture and explore the way of thinking of Russian people. This is undoubtedly worth it since the Russians are very well known for their rich culture and cultural development such as literature, art, music etc.
Apart from these however, learning the Russian language can be extremely useful due to the fact that it is the official language of 7 states of the former Soviet Union and it is generally spoken by more than 320 000 people worldwide. Yet, it has increased in demand and popularity in various employment sectors in Cyprus.
Having the ability to communicate in Russian one will also find it very easy to learn languages similar to Russian such as Bulgarian and Polish.
The Russian language is without doubt a very rich but also beautiful language. It is therefore not a surprise that more and more students choose it as a language to learn at school every academic year.
Cypriots interested in learning Russian should be also aware that the friendly relations between Russia and Cyprus in addition to the history the two countries have, brings them together. Furthermore, it is obvious that year by year more and more Russian tourists choose Cyprus as their holiday destination.
What is more important to keep in mind is that by learning the Russian language your chances of finding a job are significantly increased since it is a highly popular language in Cyprus the past few years.
Why should someone choose U-learn to learn Russian?
At U-lean educational centre the low monthly fees and the flexible learning schedule enables everybody to join without being reluctant because of financial or time constraints.
U-learn gives its students the opportunity to sit both oral and written exams so as to ensure the appropriate certificate of the examination passed. It is useful to notice that the exams consist of three levels.
When faced with the question on whether someone can learn Russian easily and quickly U-learn answers : “да “!
Read this article in Russian
Изучайте русский язык! Сделайте так, чтобы ваше резюме выгодно отличалось!
Изучая русский язык, вы также познакомитесь с культурой и мышлением русского народа. И действительно, это стоит сделать потому, что у русских богатая культура и огромное количество гениев в литературе, в живописи, в музыке… Но, помимо этого, русский язык является официальным языком семи государств бывшего Советского Союза и на русском языке говорят более 320 миллионов человек на планете.
Зная русский язык, можно будет выучить достаточно легко другие славянские языки, такие как польский и болгарский.
Русский язык богат и красив, поэтому не случайно, что всё больше и больше наших учеников выбирают его в качестве иностранного языка в школах.
Кроме того изучение русского языка важно для киприотов по следующим причинам:
Почему в U-Learn?
В U-Learn низкая стоимость обучения, занятия проводятся один раз в неделю, поэтому каждый из нас может позволить себе обучение в U-Learn. При прослушивании курса русского языка есть возможность сдачи уровневых экзаменов и получения соответствующего сертификата.
На вопрос: «Можно ли легко и быстро изучить русский язык?» наш институт отвечает: «Да!»